
 Painter: Peter van den Braken
Dimensions: 49,5 x 66 cm
Signature: left under: PvdBraken
Technics: Oil on canvas



In this work by Peter van den Braken from 1935 - once in the collection of Museum Kempenland in Eindhoven - the painter positions the viewer centrally at the front, just slightly above the earth. So in front of the inverted top of an imaginary triangle, formed by the collection of golden haystacks. It is a station to pause for contemplation in order to make the spectacular journey from the earthly to the heavenly.

Just as the church doors open the fascinating space of a Sanctuary, Van den Braken opens up the richness of the Brabant farmland through haystacks. They are the earthly pillars on which heaven rests. Guided by them, the view extends toward the farm in the distance just below the edge of the horizon, at the foot of the triangle. The farm, a building - it seems - that is under heavenly authority.

The farmers have set up the haystacks as an offering to God in the form of two celestial triangles, one large and one small. The harvest is complete. The haystacks stand amidst the expanse as guards or pawns. Visiters can rest and wake up again every day in one of the 30 pieces to be ready for contemplation again. Haystacks, like pearls of a rosary. All stages on the way to the ultimate Divine Love.